Sales Representative

Now Hiring at Fenceworks LLC

Home 5 Jobs 5 Sales Representative [Sacramento]

Position Name

Sales Representative [Sacramento]


Sacramento, CA

Pay Range

$65K - $90K

Job Summary

Fenceworks Rental Systems is a leading provider of high-quality fencing solutions, committed to delivering exceptional products and outstanding customer service. We pride ourselves on our expertise, reliability, and dedication to meeting our customers' needs. At Fenceworks Rental Systems, we pride ourselves on being professional and utilizing the highest quality fence products. We have exemplified a “take care of the customer” philosophy that has made us the top fence contractor in California

Position Overview:
Fenceworks Rental Systems is currently seeking a sales representative with at least two years of sales experience. The sales rep is responsible for identifying and developing home builders and General Contractor relationships and expanding our presence in the market. Our ideal candidate will have temp-fence sales experience and estimating knowledge and/or experience.

Key Responsibilities

• Foster relationships with current home builders and General Contractor customers and new prospects.
• Generate prospects through Bid websites (e.g., Building Connected, Bid Mail).
• Inventory Management and some scheduling responsibilities.
• Provide pricing based on specification and review with Sales Manager.
• Present proposal and follow up on bid within a timely manner to address or answer questions or comments.
• Maintain communication with superintendents and purchasing throughout job.
• Participate in sales meetings, training, or other off-site functions as required


• At least 2 years of Sales experience
• Ideal familiarity and experience in construction-related roles or the fencing industry.
• Must be able to prospect effectively and close sales
• Basic Microsoft Office skills
• Experience with CRM is a plus
• Familiarity with Building Connected and Bid Mail is a plus
• Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
• Pass a pre-employment physical & drug screen
• Pass E-Verify


Join our dynamic team at Fenceworks, a leading California-based fence builder company dedicated to excellence and innovation. We’re currently seeking skilled workers to contribute to our diverse portfolio of projects across the state. This role offers the opportunity to collaborate with talented professionals in a fast-paced environment while making a significant impact on California’s infrastructure. If you’re passionate about construction and ready to take your career to the next level, apply now to join our team!


If you are interested in this job opportunity please fill out this application form and upload your resume.

Si estás interesado en esta oportunidad laboral, por favor completa este formulario de solicitud y adjunta tu currículum.
Fenceworks Logo with License


Fenceworks LLC is an equal opportunity employer and will consider all qualified applicants without regard to any status protected by applicable federal, state law, or local ordinances.
Please answer all questions completely. Do not list “see resume” or provide any information not specifically requested on this Employment Application form. Original applications must be submitted. An application that is photocopied, altered, or incomplete will be automatically rejected. If you require assistance in completing the application, please notify the Human Resources Representative or the individual who provided you with this form.

Fenceworks LLC es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y examinará todos los candidatos calificados, sin tomar en cuenta cualquier situación protegida por la ley federal o estatal aplicable o las ordenanzas locales.
Por favor conteste todas las preguntas. No escriba “vea resume adjunto” o proporcione cualquier información no solicitada expresamente en este formulario de solicitud de empleo. Las solicitudes deben presentarse en original y cualquier solicitud que se fotocopie, sea alterada o incompleta será rechazado automáticamente. Si necesita ayuda para completar la solicitud, por favor notifique al representante de Recursos Humanos o de la persona que le suministró este formulario.

Tiene usted 18 años de edad o mas?

Si el manejar es requerido para la posición que esta solicitando proporcione el número de licencia .

Tiene familiares o amigos trabajando para Fenceworks, Inc?

Alguna vez ha trabajado para Fenceworks, Inc.?

Si es así, por favor de fechas y lugares.

Usted es elegible legalmente para ser empleado en este país?


School 1
School 2
School 3


Begin with your most recent employer. List each position. If additional space is needed, attach and sign an additional sheet.
Empiece con su empleador más reciente. Enliste cada posición. Si necesita más espacio agregue una hoja y fírmela



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Podemos contactar a su empleador (es) listados arriba?

Tiene usted alguna especialidad o habilidades?

Quisiera agregar algo mas?

Only file types .pdf, .doc, .docx allowed. Max. file size 2MB.


All applicants for employment are judged solely based on qualification and ability without regard to age, sex, race, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, veteran status, or other classification protected by law.

I acknowledge that the Company follows an employment – “at-will” policy, such that I or the Company may terminate my employment at any time for any reason. I understand this application is not a contract of employment. I understand that to be employed, I must be lawfully authorized to work in the United States and show the Company documentation that will prove this. Also, I am aware the company participates in the government’s online verification process (E-Verify Program) therefore, verifies all work-related documents provided as part of the hiring process (i.e.: documents which support the completion of the I-9).

I certify all the statements herein are true and accurate and understand that any falsification or omission shall result in dismissal.

CERTIFICACION - Por favor lea, firme y anote la fecha

Todos los solicitantes de empleo son seleccionados únicamente por aptitudes y habilidades de empleo sin considerar la edad, sexo, raza, origen nacional, religión, la orientación sexual, el estado civil, la incapacidad, la posición de veterano u otra clasificación protegida por la ley.

Reconozco que la Compañía tiene una póliza de “acuerdo mutuo de Empleo” tanto yo o la Compañía podemos terminar el empleo en cualquier momento por cualquier razón. Entiendo que esta aplicación no es un contrato de empleo. Entiendo que, al ser empleado, debo ser autorizado legalmente para trabajar en los Estados Unidos y mostrar a la Compañía la documentación que comprueba esto. También estoy enterado que la Compañía participa en el proceso de gobierno en línea de verificación (programa E-Verify) por lo que, verifica todos los documentos relacionados con el trabajo como parte del proceso de contratación. (Ejemplo: documentos necesarios para completar la forma I-9).

Certifico que todas las declaraciones en este documento son verdaderas y exactas y entiendo que cualquier falsificación o la omisión tendrán como resultado el despido.